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At Lighthouse Baptist Church, we believe God’s Word provides the only solid foundation on which to build your life.

We believe that God has a purpose for every life.

That’s why we have dedicated ourselves to teaching and preaching the Holy Bible.

Many families here at Lighthouse Baptist Church have discovered the joy and blessing of being a part of a friendly, Bible-believing church that works hard to meet the needs of every member.

Our heartfelt prayer is for you to know Christ and to be involved in a church that cares for you.

We extend an invitation for you to come and visit Lighthouse Baptist Church of Intercession City.

Prayer Requests

We are a praying church.

Prayer is an important part of Christian living.

If you, or someone you know, are in need of prayer, please reach out to us.

Service Times

Sunday School 9:45 am

Worship Service 10:45 am

Wednesday 7:00 pm

1664 Shepherd Lane

Intercession City, FL 33848



Adult Ministries

Join the pastor as he leads us in a study of God’s word. Closely examining the Bible allows us to have that closer connection with our Father in Heaven.


Join our young adult Sunday School class for a discussion designed to help us grow closer with each other, our Savior, and our Father in heaven.

For All Ages

Youth Ministries

Children will find learning about Christ a fun and rewarding experience in our youth Sunday School classes and Junior Church.


Join our ladies’ group as we come together as godly women.

Men of IntegrityMen learning how to be humble before God.


Pastor Alan Holley

Associate Pastor Jack Whiting

Youth Pastor Jemiah Whiting

Youth Sunday School Teachers

Connie Wilcox

Anne Holley

Ruby Clinage

Joyce Conrad

Young Adult Teacher Stephen T Horner

What We Believe


We believe the Bible is the inspired and preserved Word of the Living God. The Bible is infallible and inerrant. It is the standard of Faith and Practice. We believe that God not only inspired every word, but that He has preserved them through the ages. We believe that the King James Version is the preserved Word of God for the English-speaking people.


We believe that prayer is an important part of Christian living.


We believe that church is a place where you come together with your Family in Christ. It is there that you strengthen your faith, and learn how to grow closer to God.


We believe that Jesus left the Church with two ordinances.


We believe in an open believer’s communion. Communion is a ordinance wherein we remember Christ’s sacrifice for us.


We believe in baptism by immersion.


​All are welcome to visit and worship with us.

Those who would like to seek membership into our church may do so by Baptism, Statement of Faith, or by Church Letter.